Dr. Johannes Pfaffenhuemer
Entrepreneur, coach, public health and water expert

- since 1986 entrepreneur, managing partner of Caspar Zeitlinger GmbH
- -since 2014 managing director of Water of Life GmbH
- Management, economic and social consulting in large, medium and small companies
- since 1992 development of integrated management systems in over 200 companies
- since 1987 marketing and sales in 30 countries worldwide
- 1988 to 1995 university lecturer at the Johannes Kepler University Linz JKU
- 2015 Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences for Health and Social Affairs in Linz
- since 2019 External Examiner Middlesex University London
- MBSR – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction according to Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn
Innovative access to stress management and burnout prevention - Resonance coaching and NLP trainer – according to Dr. Gundl Kutschera
- With self-competence, social competence and spiritual competence for a respectful cooperation
- Jin Shin Jyutsu– after Mary Burmeister and Jiro Murai
- The art of Japanese flow as an aid to self-help
- GfK– according to Marshall B.Rosenberg
- Nonviolent Communication
- The Formula – after Dr. Joe Dispenza
- Brain and heart coherence affect our lives
Leiner / Kika, Voestalpine, Swietelsky, Greiner, Unitech, Trodat, Haidlmair, ROHOL, Landesverlag, Optik Aigner, Friseurstudio Elite, Möbel Katzmaier, Dachdeckerei Winter, Zemsauer Elektronik, Funk Fuchs, Gasthaus Neulinger, Apotheke Heiliger Georg, SPES Akademie, ASZ- Linz, Kutschera Institute, BIO Vitalhotel Falkenhof and many more
Federal Ministries for Labor, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Economy, Family and Youth, Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Health, State Government and Chamber of Commerce Upper Austria, District Homes in Kremsmünster, Grünburg and Grein, District Administration in Kirchdorf, Vöcklabruck, Perg, Regional Development Kirchdorf / Steyr , Region Attersee / Regatta, Agricultural Training Institute Styria, Industrial Association IVOÖ, TMG (Technologie und Marketinggesellschaft Oberösterreich), founding chairman of CATT (Central Austrian Training in Technology)
- Chairman of the examination board for management consultants WKOÖ,
board member in the specialist group of management consultants WKOÖ - Board member of the Upper Austria Young Industry
- 20 years chairman of the Association for the Care and Preservation of the Cultural Assets of the Sensensmiede, Sensen-Schmiede Museum in Micheldorf / OÖ
- Parish council and parish council in Micheldorf / Upper Austria
My life motto:
“Strong in presence – mild in form!"
Jesuit rule according to Claudio Aquaviva (1543 – 1615)
5. General of the Societas Jesu